Parents. Teachers. Students.



OUR MISSION: To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Welcome to the Rehoboth PTSA, where we come together to create a brighter future for our students and community! With your help, we can make a positive impact that lasts a lifetime. Join us on this exciting journey, and let's build a stronger, more vibrant educational experience for our children.

Email us at

Boosterthon Sponsors 

What's Happening:

Volunteers Needed: Sign up HERE 

Permission Slip HERE

Boosterthon Fun Run and Color Run

June 14th & Kickoff Celebration June 6th

Nominations open for the 24-26 School Years

Rehoboth PTSA Board Nominations

Help stock their classrooms!

Teacher Spotlights

Volunteer Opportunities

We Need Your Help!


Follow us on Facebook for the latest info! 

Events Calendar

Subscribe to our calendar! Never miss a beat - stay in the loop with all our exciting events by subscribing to our Google Calendar! It's quick and easy - just click on the link below, and you'll be redirected to our calendar. Once there, click the "+ Google Calendar" button in the bottom right corner, and voilà, you're all set! By subscribing, you'll receive timely updates on school events, PTSA meetings, and important dates right on your own Google Calendar. Stay connected and engaged with the school community - subscribe now and be a part of the action! 

How to subscribe to our calendar on an iPhone:
First, copy the following URL:
Open your iPhone calendar app and click on "Calendars" on the bottom menu. Select "Add Calendar", then select "Add Subscription Calendar". Paste the URL.

Our Mission

To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.